Sunday, April 25, 2010

The facebook news feed function can have a strangely powerful influence over the tired mind...

Facebook lurking seems to be a popular new pastime. Requesting to be friends with people you have never really met affords the creepier characters among us to seek out those of their own variety, but today I met the most charming stranger.

Looking for a brief moment of relaxation and distraction from a laborious day of playing the brother-of-the-bride role, I skimmed over what virtual social updates facebook had to offer: So and So is now friends with So and So through the such and such application… ughhh isn’t there anything interesting going on? Oh wait, that’s a weird way to spell a name… Raechel… I’ve got time to click on that. Kind of an unexciting profile pic… I guess you had to be there… not much else to see, but wait, there’s a blog! Blogs can be interesting! My own blog at one point was very interesting to me… I’ve got time to click that… what’s this?! A unique title and pretty colour scheme? Maybe I will read an entry… strange. Her writing style is very reminiscent of a close friend whom I adore. Oh no, no more time to read blogs must go back to setting up chairs and posing for pictures.

Three A.M. Time to watch that episode of Demetri Martin I have been craving all day and go to bed at a reasonable hour like a responsible adult. The website freezes. It could be a sign that I am in need of sleep and shouldn’t be watching T.V. shows on the internet in the middle of the night. Or maybe I am supposed to do something else online… oh yeah! Blogstalking! Let’s see what Raechel has to say… I’m hooked. I read a few months worth of entries. The content is interesting but more so I am captivated by the idea that women still exist in my town that are not completely insipid and can easily capture my consideration with an intelligent personality. A renewed sense of joy and appreciation for the world comes; all from reading a blog. Maybe someday I will meet a girl like this Raechel; maybe I will meet Raechel. Maybe I can call in a big favour from my friend happenstance and she will hit my car with her shopping cart. Maybe I will be a creep and friend request her on Facebook. Maybe she will be a creep and friend request me. Doubtful. Maybe I should just write about her in my blog…

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dealing with intimidation.

Many guys are intimidated by attractive women. Rarely is this the case for me. If you are a good lookin nancy and you can make me feel inadequate, congratulation! you win at the game of life! Much more often I find myself apprehensive to interact with ugly women. Why is that? It is strange I know. I want to be nice to them generally and sometimes I would even love to in someway make that swamp donkey's day. Sometimes to achieve something in life you have to be really really fake. (i.e. pass a job interview, hook up with hewitt girl #3, etc.) Good looking girls are used to guys being fake with them all day everyday... If the ugly duckling figures me out then I'm screwed. So it turns out associating with ugly girls is harder than it would seem.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Listening to good music...

inadvertently makes me smile. Often times other people will smile back. Don't they know that I smiling at my iPod and not at them!!?? That's OK because sometimes they smile back. Sometimes the person smiling back is an incredibly cute girl with black boots and brown hair and blue eyes.
PS I was on the news. here's the link:
as if you will actually watch it!