Facebook lurking seems to be a popular new pastime. Requesting to be friends with people you have never really met affords the creepier characters among us to seek out those of their own variety, but today I met the most charming stranger.
Looking for a brief moment of relaxation and distraction from a laborious day of playing the brother-of-the-bride role, I skimmed over what virtual social updates facebook had to offer: So and So is now friends with So and So through the such and such application… ughhh isn’t there anything interesting going on? Oh wait, that’s a weird way to spell a name… Raechel… I’ve got time to click on that. Kind of an unexciting profile pic… I guess you had to be there… not much else to see, but wait, there’s a blog! Blogs can be interesting! My own blog at one point was very interesting to me… I’ve got time to click that… what’s this?! A unique title and pretty colour scheme? Maybe I will read an entry… strange. Her writing style is very reminiscent of a close friend whom I adore. Oh no, no more time to read blogs must go back to setting up chairs and posing for pictures.
Three A.M. Time to watch that episode of Demetri Martin I have been craving all day and go to bed at a reasonable hour like a responsible adult. The website freezes. It could be a sign that I am in need of sleep and shouldn’t be watching T.V. shows on the internet in the middle of the night. Or maybe I am supposed to do something else online… oh yeah! Blogstalking! Let’s see what Raechel has to say… I’m hooked. I read a few months worth of entries. The content is interesting but more so I am captivated by the idea that women still exist in my town that are not completely insipid and can easily capture my consideration with an intelligent personality. A renewed sense of joy and appreciation for the world comes; all from reading a blog. Maybe someday I will meet a girl like this Raechel; maybe I will meet Raechel. Maybe I can call in a big favour from my friend happenstance and she will hit my car with her shopping cart. Maybe I will be a creep and friend request her on Facebook. Maybe she will be a creep and friend request me. Doubtful. Maybe I should just write about her in my blog…
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